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React InterApp Routing

This package facilitates routing between microApps built with React. GenesisX InterApp Proxy is a powerful implementation by GenesisX that allows multiple apps to be served from a single host server on a local development machine.


To create React InterApp routing, you can follow the steps outlined below:


  • Make sure you are on correct version of Nodejs 18.x and Nx Version 16.6
    node --version
    nx --version

To integrate this package into your application, please follow the steps below.

  • To start with, create a new GenesisX workspace in an empty directory, run below command, of if you already have the workspace ready , please skip this step.
    npx @genesisx/create-workspace
    • Provide the requested parameters
    • Provide name to your workspace like test-workspace
    • Move to the created workspace - cd test-workspace
    • Install the packages
      yarn install
  • Install React InterApp Routing package
    yarn add @genesisx/react-interapp-routing

Via Nx Console

Generate app using Nx Console

  • Goto Generate > Search for @genesisx/react-interapp-routing - proxy-server
  • Fill in the form
    • portNo: Port number the app should be served on

Via Command Line

Run this command

nx generate @genesisx/react-interapp-routing:proxy-server --portNo=<port>

For the first time, the command will create the <wsp-root>/gen-proxy.conf.json

Please follow these steps to configure the proxy server and then proceed to run it again.


This generator serves the following purpose-

  1. Facilitating navigation between multiple micro-applications within a project, without relying on external server solutions, all from a single localhost port.
  2. Resolving asset-serving issues that may arise when using the Nx proxy.config.json solution.
  3. Enabling seamless navigation between different micro-applications on the same local port.

MicroApps Configurations

Assuming that you have created two React applications.

  • react-app1 , running on port 13004
  • react-app2 , running on port 13006
  • Ensure that all React applications are properly configured with their respective target URLs
"apps": [
"mainApps": {
"/home": {
"target": "http://localhost:13004",
"secure": false
"/product": {
"target": "http://localhost:13006",
"secure": false
  • The apps should be already running (nx serve)

  • Please start the proxy server by executing the following command:

    nx generate @genesisx/react-interapp-routing:proxy-server --portNo=<port>

Configuring Kubernetes Routing for Production Environments

The production interApp routing is established via the Kubernetes Ingress template file in the following manner:

kind: Ingress
name: <appName>
- hosts:
- <>
secretName: genesis-tls
- host: <>
- path: /<appPath>
serviceName: spark-web-account
servicePort: 80

To learn more about generating the GenesisX Kubernetes configuration, kindly refer to the section dedicated to Kubernetes and Docker Config in the documentation.

More details & Troubleshooting

Visit the troubleshooting guide for common issues or refer to the file located within the package folder <workspace-folder>/node_modules/@genesisx/react-interapp-routing/